Comment 1 by Nikolaus Schaller, Sep 24, 2013
This may not even be a new problem since fm-audio was already weak on some GTA04 boards with the 3.7-plus kernel. Maybe, we have a bad clock polarity so that data reception depends if changing signals are sampled while they change or after they have stabilized. or it is a hardware related issue since the coupling resistors have a quite high value (2.2 kOhm) and this may damp/slow down the PCM digital signals to a level where the OMAP McBSP inputs don't recognize them reliably or without jitter.

Comment 2 by Nikolaus Schaller, May 13, 2017
For a long time we were not even able to use the tuner due to strange i2c errors. This has been fixed with 4.11. Now we just need to fi the sound card side.
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Reported by ben deering, Sep 12, 2013