Comment 1 by daveshah, Jun 25, 2020
I tried to replicate the issue on my uEVM by creating a memory hole with some memory above the 4GB marker: mem=900M@0x80000000 mem=500M@0x300000000 on the kernel command line The above patch from 5.7 does seem to make the issue go away (whereas I can replicate the issue without that patch), although it wasn't a very conclusive test as something caused the kernel to go haywire and start corrupting my root filesystem (so don't try this at home!). But it remains a mystery why this patch caused the driver not to probe on the Pyra hardware.
Comment 2 by daveshah, Jul 23, 2020
Cherry-picking the above commit does seem to make it work on my Pyra, too. hns, please could you apply this to letux-5.6.y ?
Comment 3 by Nikolaus Schaller, Jul 23, 2020
"omap5: Enable etnaviv GC320 2D acceleration" is already picked into letux-5.6.y and letux-5.6.19: https://git.goldelico.com/?p=letux-kernel.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads /letux-5.6.y
Comment 4 by daveshah, Jul 23, 2020
Yeah, the other commit that is needed is "drm/etnaviv: request pages from DMA32 zone when needed" from upstream 5.7 in order to fix the issue with LPAE.
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Reported by daveshah, Jun 18, 2020