Letux Kernel


You are looking at an old revision of the page GPS. This revision was created by Nikolaus Schaller.

Table of Content

How to configure and use GPS

Enable power

Power is controlled automatically by the kernel if you open /dev/ttyO1. The GPS module is powered down if you close /dev/ttyO1.

Read device file (use 9600 baud!)

stty 9600 </dev/ttyO1
cat /dev/ttyO1

If you don't see NMEA records coming every second, give another wake-up impulse (each impulse appears to toggle between standby and active).

If you don't get any satellite fix, check that the antenna is working and is powered on.

Internal/external antenna detection

if the external antenna is active can be determined through

cat /sys/devices/platform/extcon-gpio/extcon/gps_antenna/state  # "external" or "internal"