Your Personal Mobile Tool: OpenPhoenux GTA04

Upgrade your Openmoko with UMTS and a fast and modern CPU!

Runs Debian, SHR, QtMoko, Replicant and whatever free and open distribution you like.

No locks in bootloader or kernel. No locks by undocumented hardware.
You are the owner.

fits into existing Openmoko GTA01 or GTA02 case

  • 1 GHz TI OMAP3 (ARM Cortex A8)
  • 3D Graphics Accelerator and DSP
  • 512 MB RAM, 1 GB Flash, Micro-SD up to 32 GB
  • HSPA UMTS with theoretically up to 400h standby time
  • GPS, Navigation Sensors, WLAN, Bluetooth, OTG2.0
  • Made in Bavaria
well documented! Finger Friendly: QtMoko
In need for more reasons?
Order now!
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