You are looking at an old revision of the page Events. This revision was created by Nikolaus Schaller.
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Upcoming Events where you can experience OpenPhoenux devices
Upcoming Events
- solution-linux-opensource: 19th-21st June 2012, Paris, France (suggested)
- LinuxTag 2012: 23rd-26th. May 2012, Berlin, Germany
- Linuxwochen Wien 2012: 3rd-5th May 2012, Vienna/Wien, Austria
- Openmobility conference: 21st April 2012, Prague, Czech Rep.
- Manchester Free Software: 20th Mar 2012, Manchester, UK (Michael Dorrington)
- FOSDEM 2012: 4th-5th. Feb 2012, Brussels Flyer PDF
- OHSW 2011: 2nd-4th Dec 2011, Munich
- FrOSCon 2011: 20th-21st Aug 2011, St. Augustin, Germany
- Chaos-Camp 2011: 10th-14th Aug 2011, Finowfurt
- LinuxTag 2011: 11th-14th. May 2011, Berlin
- FOSDEM 2011: 5th-6th. Feb 2011, Brussels
- OHSW 2010: 4th&5th Dec 2010, Munich