You are looking at an old revision of the page FAQ. This revision was created by Nikolaus Schaller.
Frequently Asked Questions
please add at the top and we will try to answer
Q: Is the processor fast enough for encrypted telephony?
A: It has not been proven yet, but it should be no problem. The call latency will probably increase.
Q: Is it practicable to use VOIP via UMTS? Because I think GSM has better roaming support.
Q: Is it possible to use Android 4.x on this hardware?
A: Yes. Someone needs to adapt the missing pieces. A good starting point is Android on the beagleboard.
Q: Will there be an "out-of-the-box" ready to use GTA04-phone for sale?
A: Probably yes. We are working on preinstalling a tested softare image.
Q: Which non-free firmware is required to operate the GTA04?
A: required is none, unless you want to use WLAN, or 3D-Graphics acceleration. WLAN uses a Marvell chip and the open libertas driver. The firmware is available in Debian non-free repository. There is also a project to write an open version: The 3D Graphics accelerator of the DM3730 is a SGX530. We don't know a free firmware. But X11 is already very fast compared to the GTA02 (thanks to the Cortex-A8 with NEON). So 3D is only needed for 3D games but not for smooth smartphone operation.
Q: Is the GTA04 GSM-chip supported by the OsmocomBB-project? Or asked differently: Is the GSM firmware also open-source?
A: No.
Q: Are most of the ICs you use also "open hardware", for example the UMTS chip or the ARM processor?
A: The silicon structures or internal schematics are unknown (closed). The interface and a few bits of the inner working is known because all datasheets are available with tree exceptions: documentation for the UMTS modem, the WiFi module and the GPS module are only available under NDA.
Hardware design
Q: Could it be possible in the near future to also implement an LTE-chip?
A: Not with the same hardware. The UMTS module is not upgradable, IMHO.