You are looking at an old revision of the page News. This revision was created by Nikolaus Schaller.
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News and Announcements of the GTA04 development
Major Milestones and Announcements
14 Nov 2011
Announcement of the next batch (GTA04A4) to be available starting from 19th December 2011. [Preorder now][hhlx].
10 Oct 2011
- shipment to Early Adopters started
19 Sep 2011
- production of remaining GTA04A3 units started
07 Sep 2011
- first phone calls
- USB-OTG problems solved
20 Aug 2011
- 5 boards completed with DM3730 and UMTS module and mostly working
- Presentation by Mickey Lauer at FrOSCon
25 Jul 2011
- first board completed with DM3730 and UMTS module
- CPU and some peripherals are working
- UMTS is working
16 Jun 2011
- first two GTA04A3 board received from production (complete except UMTS module)
- now fixing initialization software and testing everything
- first result: 1 board boots; 1 does not
31 May 2011
- CPU chips (DM3730CBP) arrived
20 Apr 2011
- still waiting for PCBs and CPUs to arrive for SMD production
- we have patched the GTA04A2 board so that it boots Linux (LXDE/Debian) - see Video 3
23 Mar 2011
- memory chips arrived (MT29C4G96MAZAPCJG = 512 MByte RAM, 512 MByte NAND flash)
- new PCB layout for the GTA04A3 done
25 Feb 2011
- we have discussed and shown the GTA04A2 during FOSDEM 2011
- some components for the Early Adopter units have arrived (e.g. UMTS modules); others are missing but ordered (Memory, CPU)
- we are completely reworking the layout to (fundamentally) solve the power supply issues and to reduce risk of buzz, noise and other radio interference problems
19 Jan 2011
- first engineering sample (GTA04A2) is working in PDA mode (U-Boot in NAND Flash) - see Video 1 and Video 2
- has some issues in power supply to be fixed in GTA04A3
- supply issue with PoP memory chips for OMAP3530DCBB
- GTA04A3 is getting final PCB layout fine tuning
- first components for production of GTA04A3 have already been ordered
Well, the project started in May 2008 but too many details to report.