You are looking at an old revision of the page Software. This revision was created by Nikolaus Schaller.
Software for GTA04
To install the default Debian/LXDE image on a SD card, please refer to Debian Rootfs
Software Index
We run a database for all software for the OpenPhoenux (in modern words this would be called "Application Store"): Please use and contribute new entries.
User-Space & GUI:
- QtMoko - is debian distribution for Openmoko Freerunner phone. Phone and user interface is based on QT Extendeded formerly known as Qtopia
- SHR - a GNU/Linux based operating system for smartphones and similar mobile devices
- Debian for GTA04 - a Debian & LXDE demo image with display, touch screen and networking preconfiguration
- QuantumSTEP - Objective-C/GNUstep based GUI toolkit and Desktop/Palmtop application suite for Linux based devices
- Replicant - a fully free Android port
- OpenSuse - an openSUSE (currently 12.3) port
Others like webOS, meego, AoF (Android for Freerunner), rowboat (Android for OMAP) are up to you to be ported. Please let us know if there is enough progress to add it to the above list.
Kernel & Boot
- X-Loader for GTA04 - First phase Bootloader
- U-Boot for GTA04 - Second phase Bootloader
- Kernel for GTA04 - Kernel with driver patches for e.g. Touchscreen, LCD module, peripherals etc.
Please refer to these subprojects how to compile these components from scratch.
Bug- / Issue-Trackers
- QtMoko:
- Replicant:
- SHR:
- FSO:
- Neil-plus-kernel:
- U-Boot:
Other tools
- GTA04 Tester - a Objective-C/Cocoa/GNUstep based software to test raw GTA04 boards connected through USB/Ethernet-Gadget/ssh