Command line examples with explanation
Here you can find command line examples with explanation.
./makesd gta04
make a production image (LXDE) for the GTA04 (Letux 2804)
./makesd panda-es
make an image for the Pandaboard ES (LXDE)
./makesd pandora
make an image for the OpenPandora (LXDE)
./makesd replicant
make latest replicant (boots on L2804, L3704, L7004)
./makesd pandora -r quantumstep
make an image with QuantumSTEP for the OpenPandora
./makesd all
make a 4-system (Debian, QtMoko, Replicant, QuantumSTEP) combo image where you can choose the system through the boot loader menu (boots on L2804, L3704, L7004)
./makesd -v latest quantumstep
make a card with latest Quantumstep and latest mainline kernel (boots on L2804, L3704, L7004)
./makesd —debug -v latest pyra -f1 replicant
use latest kernel and replace the Debian/LXDE in partition 2 with replicant (boots up to the root@android:/ # prompt) for the OMAP5432EVM
DEV=/dev/sdx ./makesd gta04 -f1 -s 10
increase size of first partition to 10%