You are looking at an old revision of the page Build. This revision was created by Julius Bünger.
How to build U-Boot from Source
Browse sources and change log;a=summary
Get sources
git clone git://
cd gta04-uboot
Build (for GTA04)
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- # adapt to your toolchain
make letux_gta04_defconfig
The result will be the file u-boot/MLO. Copy this file to the FAT partition of your SD card. This has to be the first file on the FAT partition. To achieve this, you either have to create a fresh FAT partition and copy the MLO file as the first file to it or later replace this first-copied file with a more current version.
Build (for Openmoko Beagle Hybrid)
make omap3_beagle_defconfig
For more boards to build to see gta04-uboot/configs/ (eg. gta04-uboot/configs/letux_gta04b7_defconfig for neo900)
Test over Serial
GTA04 # loady 0x80008000
Send u-boot.bin via ymodem (minicom -> ctrl + a -> ctrl + s)
GTA04 # go 0x80008000