You are looking at an old revision of the page BootstrapLenny. This revision was created by Nikolaus Schaller.
How to Bootstrap Debian Lenny
a) compile Linux 2.6 kernel and modules with Ruben's patches b) install uImage on 1st partition (8MB is sufficient) c) install 3MX debian etch rootfs on 2nd partition (should be at least 1 GB) d) install the kernel modules on 2nd partition e) boot on Letux 400 f) open Terminal g) vi /etc/network/interfaces and uncomment the entries for eth0 h) connect to LAN and ifup eth0 i) apt-get upgrade (to get rid of GPG error message) j) apt-get update k) apt-get install debootstrap l) mkdir /lenny m) debootstrap lenny /lenny n) be happy to see "base system installed successfully" o) mount proc -t proc /lenny/proc p) mount sysfs -t sysfs /lenny/sys q) cp -r /lib/modules /lenny/lib r) chroot /lenny s) depmod -a -- now works!!! (this depmod is now from module-init-tools 3.4 and 2.6 kernel compatible)