You are looking at an old revision of the page Operation. This revision was created by Nikolaus Schaller.
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How to use the system
Power on
Just press the power button to boot the kernel from NAND flash.
If you want to boot the kernel from SD card, press Fn+Ctrl+LeftShift before powering up and keep it pressed until the penguin appears (approx. 1 second).
Boot Modifier Keys (this is a feature of the kernel)
You can press these keys right before pressing the power button. But you have approx. 5 seconds time left after the penguin appears.
- F1: boot from first SD partition (/dev/mmcblk0p1, ext3)
- F2: boot from second SD partition (/dev/mmcblk0p2, ext3)
- F3: boot minifs from internal partition (/dev/mtdblock3, jffs2)
- F4: boot from internal partition (/dev/mtdblock4, yaffs2)
- Fn: boot from second SD partition (/dev/mmcblk0p2, ext3) (kernel was booted from SD on Fn+Ctrl+LeftShift)
- none: boot from internal partition (/dev/mtdblock4, yaffs2)
Debian Modifier Keys
- Ctl-Alt-F1..F6 switch between tty1 and tty6 console
- Ctl-Alt-F7 switches to X11 window (if running)
- Ctl-Alt-F10 opens a Menu
- ? dim backlight
- ? wakeup
- Ctrl-Alt-Delete ask system to shutdown/reboot
- Power Button: ask system to shutdown/reboot - if pressed more than 5 seconds, power off is enforced
to be described (numlock, shift lock, WiFi on, sleep mode etc.)