Here you find information about the official Logo
The OpenPhoenux community Logo (2013)
Why was it developed?
We felt that for FOSDEM 2013 we need some new logo for the "OpenPhoenux" community.
How was it developed?
We did make an announcement on the OpenPhoenux community mailing list
and it was spread by Reddit and gave a lot of responses.
Finaly we asked the community members to vote between these proposals (and some subflavours).
We asked them to think about:
- does it connect to the remains of the original Openmoko project ("Phoenix from the ashes")?
- is it eye-catching, easily remembered, unique?
- does it show some orientation towards future?
- does it carry a positive, inpiring, flying, pushing attitude?
- does it tell about "freedom & openness"?
- do you feel that it represents "your" OpenPhoenux/OpenMoko community?
- can it be recognized that it has something to do with wireless, portable devices (tablet, smartphone, gadgets etc.)?
- does it look equally good in different sizes?
Finally this proposal did win.
Who has developed it?
It was developed by Philip Horger.
It is licensed under CC-BY-SA.
New tinkerphones logo (2016)
After renaming to "tinkerphones" community, Lukas Märdian has modified the Logo (11 dec 2016) and rebuilt new SVG, PNG, SVG images:
about writing "tinkerphones"
The OHSW team 2016 has decided to choose "tinkerphones" as the standard capitalization, i.e. we do not write TinkerPhones, tinkerPhones or Tinkerphones (except first word in sentence).