GNUstep Applications for mySTEP
Labels: License:GPL , Language:Obj-C , Toolkit:STEP , OS:Linux
Icns Composer clone for mySTEP
Labels: License:GPL , Language:Obj-C , Toolkit:STEP , OS:Linux
A port of the QtMaze game from QtMoko to Obj-C
Labels: License:GPL , Language:Obj-C , Toolkit:STEP , OS:Linux
A Desktop/Palmtop environment for netbooks and mobile devices
Labels: Toolkit:STEP , License:Closed , OS:Linux
A pure Objective-C implementation of HTML/CSS/JavaScript compatible to the WebKit APIs
Labels: License:GPL , Language:Obj-C , Toolkit:STEP
A rebuild of ObjC framework to do boolean operations on NSBezierPaths
Labels: Language:Obj-C , Toolkit:STEP , OS:Linux , License:MIT