
Issue 686: Capacitor antiresonance and improving decoupling

Reported by Matthew Blue, May 27, 2015

In the schematic there are many places where parallel capacitors of 
different values are shown. In the conventional wisdom this is 
thought to improve the range of frequencies that are bypassed (and 
it is a very common practice). However, this is incorrect because 
ESL of the package forms a resonator and then anti-resonance between 
multiple caps creates impedance peaks at certain frequencies 
(similar caps do not produce significant anti-resonance). Also, even 
if anti-resonance was unimportant, these additional caps don't 
actually significantly improve decoupling.

See this paper for a theoretical analysis:
Effectiveness of Multiple Decoupling Capacitors
(Unfortunately a poor quality scan, and the journal's copy is behind 
a paywall)

Here is a text on observed antiresonance in a test circuit:
Experiments With Decoupling Capacitors

And here is a very detailed and informative powerpoint on good 
decoupling practices:
Effective Power/Ground Plane Decoupling for PCB

Slightly different version of the above with some additional bits of 
PCB Power Decoupling Myths Debunked

I don't really have the expertise to know the best way to do this, 
but the gist of what I found on the subject is this:
- There is a certain amount of capacitance that is 
"enough" for the current requirements, and more does not 
significantly improve things.
- ESL of the capacitor package is related to how large it is and the 
placement of the vias, so the smaller the package and tighter the 
vias the better (so long as it has "enough" capacitance).
- There is no reason not to just get the biggest easily available 
capacitance for the package size, since its limitations are 
primarily due to ESL of the package and placement.
- Using multiple capacitors of different values is harmful to the 
decoupling because of antiresonance (except for caps with high ESR 
like electrolytics, which dampens the resonance).
- It is better to not have multiple decoupling capacitors next to 
each other (even of the same value). If you have one power and one 
ground pin and two caps, it would be better to use one near the 
power pin and one near the ground pin rather than put them both on 
the power pin. Some papers recommend alternating power and ground 
pins if you have one cap per IC.
- What matters for decoupling is the loop area that the current 
takes, not specifically the closeness of the cap to the pin. Several 
papers recommended placing decoupling caps for BGAs on the opposite 
side of the board, because the loop size is smaller.
- Roughly even distribution of capacitors of the same value across 
the board reduces antiresonance effects from placement (from 
different board inductance between caps).
- Decoupling choices need to be made at both the schematic and 
layout level at the same time, because both levels have large 
effects on how the caps perform.
- Frequency domain simulations are not always informative, because 
they lack things like phase related effects.
- Large valued caps should form a hierarchy of size w.r.t. the power 
distribution network. However, I haven't found a good answer to 
antiresonance effects with this (except maybe ESR damping).

Of course, you should take these points with a grain of salt because 
I am not an expert on decoupling techniques. This is what my 
literature search showed, but there is also a lot of contradictory 
information too (the papers agreeing with these points just seemed 
to be well informed and to have better methods compared to the ones 
that disagreed).

I have made a list of capacitors in rev. V2b which may produce 
anti-resonant effects:
Sheet 6:
- C17,18 near U504 (LTC5508)
- C59,60,61 near U317,318 (LMV221)
- C501,502,503 near M501USB
- C504,505,506 near M501USB
- C507,508,509 near M501USB
Sheet 7:
- C68,69,1103 near M701POWER
Sheet 8:
- C701,702 near S701 (BMG160)
- C704,705 near S702 (BMC150)
- C1402,1403 near S1401 (BNO055)
Sheet 9:
- C41,39 near U801I2C (TLV320)
- C42,38 near U801I2C (TLV320)
- C40,37 near U801I2C (TLV320)
Sheet 11:
- C32,22,21 near U1077PWR (TPA2012)
Sheet 16:
- C20,19 near U1501 (SFH7741)
Sheet 24:
- C8,7 near "Main Camera"
- C6,5 near "Main Camera"
Sheet 26
- C48,50 near U2501-PWR (LP55281)
- C51,52 near U2502-PWR (LP55281)

The following are missing decoupling caps (and are not marked 
incomplete/prototype/don't use):
Sheet 4:
- U303 (TPS2296 load SW) VIN and VOUT
- U301,U1,U2 (INA231 current monitor) Vs
Sheet 7:
- U4 (TPS2296 load SW) VIN but probably just unclear
Sheet 10:
- U329 (TLV702225 LDO) IN and OUT
- U1068 (TLV1702 comparator) VDD
Sheet 16:
- U1401 (MLX90248 hall sense) VDD
Sheet 25:
- U2101 (LP55231 LED drive) VDD

You may also want to consider adding caps to the power lines on each 
side of the board-to-board connectors, as it will reduce the 
connectors' apparent impedance.

Comment 1 by Nikolaus Schaller, May 28, 2015

While the theories are almost right (except the models I have seen 
appear to forget the series resistance between the capacitors by 
copper traces), all these theoretical and experimental analyses 
don't help for practical PCB layout where you have to do hundreds of 
tradeoffs and design decisions and no space - far away from the 
assumptions of the theory.

Regarding the anti-resonant effects, I read mainly that the 
additional capacitor may have no or only a small effect - but it 
does not harm (except for cost).

Thanks also for your analysis of the schematics for what you think 
are missing decoupling caps. But please don't forget that this is 
just a snapshot of work in progress. Nothing is finished where we 
are need bug reports.

The number and placement of caps will also be changed by the final 
layout. E.g. if two chips are very close to each other it is better 
to share a capacitor than having none at all.

Some chips in the power chain share a capacitor between the output 
of one and the input of the next one. So they appear to be missing 
in the schematics just because the way the were split into pages.

And e.g. a load switch (TPS2296) does not need decoupling capacitors 
because the caps are to protect from high speed switching noise 
creeping out of a chip onto the power network which would become an 
antenna. A pure load switch does not create such noise - so there is 
no need to protect from.

Another thing to consider: some power signals might stay completely 
inside the PCB (inner layers).

So thanks for bringing up this topic to our attention, but please 
don't be disappointed if we can't work it in immediately (or in a 
way that it can be recognized in the end).

Therefore we don't take a specific action.
Status: WontFix

Comment 2 by Matthew Blue, May 29, 2015

Well, my intention was to work at this problem and determine 
specific capacitance requirements of each IC as well as placement 
guidelines based on the parameters of the boards' planes (i.e. have 
equations ready to plug data in if PCB characteristics are not yet 
availible). I thought that by doing the work in this problem, it 
would free the devs to do other things. But if that is unwanted I 
guess it is up to you.

Here is what my notes were so far before I saw that the issue had 
been abruptly closed. Though, I guess they will not be that useful 
to you because they are notes to myself on an incomplete 
optimization, but I will put them here in case someone finds them 
useful at some point:

Estimated minimum capacitance, steady state switching, typical 

total charge moved = amperage * switch cycle length
break-even capacitance = charge moved / voltage
NOTE: does not yet account for max conditions or data transaction 

TODO: SIM, modem, wireless, audio, uSD, camera, LEDs, analog, block 
IGNORED: BB, proto, incompl

Sheet 4:
U301,U1,U2 (INA231) VSYS?=3V6x1 CMNx1
- 100kHz (I2C standard), 355uA, C=986pF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode), 385uA, C=267pF
- 1MHz  (I2C fastmode+), 420uA, C=117pF

Sheet 5:
U401 = BQ27421 BATT+?=3V6x1 CMNx1
- 100kHz (I2C standard), 90uA (typ), C=250pF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode), 90uA (typ), C=63pF
U402 = BQ27421 BATT+?=3V6x1 CMNx1
- 100kHz (I2C standard), 93uA (typ), C=258pF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode), 93uA (typ), C=65pF

Sheet 6:
U3 = BGM1034N7 1V8x1 CMNx1
- 1575.42MHz, 3.9mA (typ), C=1.4pF
- 1598.06MHz, 3.9mA (typ), C=1.4pF
- 1605.38MHz, 3.9mA (typ), C=1.3pF
U504 = LTC5508 3V3x1 CMNx1
- 300MHz, 550uA (typ), C=0.6pF
- 7000MHz, 550uA (typ), C=0.02pF
U317,U318 = LMV221 2V7x1 CMNx1
- 50MHz, 7.2mA (typ), C=53pF
- 3500MHz, 7.2mA (typ), C=0.76pF

Sheet 7:
X1101 = NT2016SA 1V8x1 CMNx1
- 26 MHz, 1.5mA (max), C=32pF

Sheet 8:
S701 = BMG160 1V8x2 CMNx2
- 100kHz (I2C standard), 5mA (typ?), C=28nF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode), 5mA (typ?), C=6.9nF
S702 = BMC150 3V3x1 1V8x1 CMNx3
- 100kHz (I2C standard) 130uA (accel typ 3V3 only), C=394pF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode) 130uA (accel typ 3V3 only), C=98pF
- 100kHz (I2C standard) 500uA (mag "reg" typ 3V3 only), 
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode) 500uA (mag "reg" typ 3V3 only), 
- 100kHz (I2C standard) 130uA (accel typ 1V8 only), C=722pF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode) 130uA (accel typ 1V8 only), C=181pF
- 100kHz (I2C standard) 500uA (mag "reg" typ 1V8 only), 
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode) 500uA (mag "reg" typ 1V8 only), 
S703 = BMP180 1V8x1 CMNx1
- 100kHz (I2C standard), 650uA (conv peak typ), C=3.6nF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode), 650uA (conv peak typ), C=903pF
- 1MHz  (I2C fastmode+), 650uA (conv peak typ), C=361pF
- 3.4MHz(I2C Highspeed), 650uA (conv peak typ), C=106pF
S704 = LIS302DL 3V3x1 1V8x1 CMNx4
- 100kHz (I2C standard), 300uA (typ 3V3 only), C=909pF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode), 300uA (typ 3V3 only), C=227pF
- 100kHz (I2C standard), 300uA (typ 1V8 only), C=1.7nF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode), 300uA (typ 1V8 only), C=417pF
S1401 = BNO055 3V3x1 1V8x1 CMNx2
- 100kHz (I2C standard), 12.3mA (max 3V3 only), C=37nF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode), 12.3mA (max 3V3 only), C=9.3nF
- 100kHz (I2C standard), 12.3mA (max 1V8 only), C=68nF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode), 12.3mA (max 1V8 only), C=17nF

Sheet 10 (NOTE: VMMC seems to go nowhere?):
- 100kHz (I2C standard), 1.4mA (typ w/ amp disabled), C=4.2nF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode), 1.4mA (typ w/ amp disabled), C=1.1nF
- 300kHz chargepump, 1.4mA (typ w/ amp disabled), C=1.4nF
- 500kHz chargepump, 1.4mA (typ w/ amp disabled), C=848pF
- 100kHz (I2C standard), 10uA (quiescent max), C=30pF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode), 10uA (quiescent max), C=7.5pF

Sheet 11
- 250kHz PWM freq, 5mA (typ no load), C=5.6nF
- 350kHz PWM freq, 5mA (typ no load), C=4.0nF

Sheet 16
U1501 = SFH7741 3V3x1 CMNx1
- 44us pulse, 10mA ( 8-12mm dist), C=133pF
- 44us pulse, 20mA (12-18mm dist), C=267pF
- 44us pulse, 30mA (17-24mm dist), C=400pF
- 44us pulse, 40mA (20-27mm dist), C=533pF
- 44us pulse, 50mA (23-30mm dist), C=667pF
- 44us pulse, 60mA (25-32mm dist), C=800pF
U1401 = MLX90248 3V3x1 CMNx1
- 120us periodic wake, 3mA (typ), C=109nF

Sheet 18
U1601 = TCA8418 1V8x1 CMNx1
- 400kHz scan ~53uA, C=74pF
- 1MHz scan ~72uA, C=40pF

Sheet 19
U1701 = TSC2007 1V8x1 CMNx1
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode) 39uA (8.2k rate), C=54pF
- 400kHz (I2C fastmode) 165uA (34.42k rate), C=229pF

- Switching event, maximum condition estimated charge requirements.
- Per-transaction, etc. estimated charge requirements.
- Power/ground plane, via, package, placement, inductance 
- Power/ground plane, via, package, placement, damping calculation.
- Optimal placement guidelines, critical damping.
- Optimal component aggregation guidelines/power hierarchy.
- Inductor Q-factor optimization, guidelines.
- Power/ground plane current distribution simulation (create 

Comment 3 by Nikolaus Schaller, May 29, 2015

it was not intended to disappoint you. It just does not fit into our 
design process.
And, we have to optimize the total project, not a very specific 
detail. When I look over your findings in almost all cases the 
required capacity is in the pF range.
A typical rule of thumb is to use 100nF. Or 1uF if higher current is 
expected. So the minimum is fulfilled without detailed calculations.
Next, most of the capacitor values we did choose were copied from 
existing schematics and boards - or recommendations by the chip 
manufacturers. So why improve and reconsider that? Only if we really 
face a problem.
Regarding placement: the manufacturers usually have design guides so 
we will follow them as good as possible.
Finally there are production related thoughts. We should keep the 
number of different capacitors small since the more different 
components we have the more is the time to setup the production 
machines. Which drives cost up. And, we buy components in smaller 
quantities, which also drives cost. I.e. there are not only 
technical constraints but economical.
So your work is really great - but I must admit that it tries to 
solve a problem where I do not see that it is a problem at all. The 
GTA04 board (from which we derive the Neo900 board) works flawless 
without any such calculations or simulations (see schematics here:
Labels: Type:Enhancement Type:Defect

Comment 4 by Matthew Blue, May 29, 2015

I suppose I was dissapointed because I was confused about the 
response. I think this is because I didn't communicate my intent 
very well (maybe because in addition to the main statement I also 
gave a general report on the findings of my literature search). I do 
think that what I hope to do fits with your design process. If I can 
tell you: a specific IC needs at least X capacitance within about Y 
distance, and the package size must be smaller than Z to handle the 
high frequencies well, then aren't these things important to your 
design process? That is what I interpreted the decoupling caps on 
the schematics as being: a note about IC requirements to the guy 
doing layout.

This is what I anticipate the analysis will show, based on the 
partial findings that I have posted above:
- Switching noise from most small ICs can be handled by a 1nF cap in 
the typical case, and probably not more than 10nF in the worst case 
(max current draw). This means that you could shrink your cap size 
to 0402, making layout easier, improving decoupling of 
high-frequencies, and probably reducing cap price slightly.
- The calculation can tell you the diversity of values you actually 
need, so that a range of values can be rounded to a convenient value 
that could be used all over the board.
- Noise from changing IC power states can probably be handled by a 
more distant cap of larger value (probably around the 100nF or 1uF 
you mentioned), and I should be able to calculate roughly how far it 
can be without ill effects.
- Having a calculated value will permit you to know exactly when it 
is a good idea to share caps, and when it will have a slightly 
negative impact, and when it will have a significant negative 
- Looking at different IC geometries could tell you what the 
consequences would be of various alterations to the recommended 
layout, in the case that the recommended layout is not feasible 
because of placement constraints.
- Probably what I consider the most important point though, is that 
an analysis could give guidelines on how to minimize anti-resonant 
effects, which has the potential of making the decoupling unreliable 
at the anti-resonant frequency. Since anti-resonance is highly 
dependent on placement, modifying even a well-tested design like the 
GTA04 could have unpredictable effects if the anti-resonance is not 
anticipated. If you had a 10% chance of having an antiresonance 
problem that had significant effects on performance, you might redo 
placement of a reliable core design half a dozen times before 
hitting a problem. That percentage is just an example, but do you 
find even a low rate of risk for significant anti-resonance problems 
acceptible? AFAIK most corporate development handles this problem by 
having more prototypes than the Neo900, which the project doesn't 
really have the funding for.

I suspect that the datasheet decoupling values, as well as the rules 
of thumb, are trying to give a cap recommendation for a wide range 
of possible circuits that the IC would be placed in. In this case 
you can't just assume that nearby ICs will be properly decoupled, or 
that the power supply was designed competently. So the prudent 
datasheet or rule of thumb would recommend extreme values to prevent 
the IC from having problems in poorly designed circuits. Since the 
Neo900 design looks really good so far, I don't think the extreme 
values are needed, and so the caps could be shrunk to give better 
decoupling/less expense/easier layout.

As far as this looking like a non-problematic area: even if that is 
the case, this is something that I think would be quite good to have 
and so I am willing to do the work to accomplish it. If you look at 
the finished analysis and agree that it would be an improvement, and 
it doesn't significantly increase your workload (I hope that it will 
decrease it), then wouldn't it be positive to include it?

Created: 9 years 5 months ago by Matthew Blue

Updated: 9 years 5 months ago

Status: WontFix

Followed by: 1 person
