
QtMoko2 Git Source Tree


File Age Message Size
tree bin
tree config.tests
tree devices
tree dist
tree doc
tree etc
tree examples
tree help
tree i18n
tree patches
tree pics
tree qbuild
tree qtopiacore
tree scripts
tree services
tree skins
tree src
tree tests
tree ui
blob .gitignore 15 years 9 months Fabio Alessandro Locati: Imported the .gitignore from Linus' kernel tree 649 bytes
blob configure 15 years 11 months Filip Onkelinx: initial import from latest official QtExtended 4.4.3 opensource release by Nokia 2.61 kB
blob configure.bat 15 years 11 months Filip Onkelinx: initial import from latest official QtExtended 4.4.3 opensource release by Nokia 51 bytes
blob LICENSE.GPL 19.06 kB
blob projects.pro 70 bytes
blob qbuild.pro 4.24 kB
blob README 15 years 10 months Fabio A Locati: fix the \n, sorry for the mistake 1.20 kB

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