Comment 1 by Nikolaus Schaller, Sep 25, 2013
We should check: TV output unused When the TV output is not required then the following configuration should be implemented in order to reduce the power consumption to its minimum value. The analog pins tv_ref, vssadac, vdda_dac, tv_out1/2 and tv_vfb1/2 should be grounded. To avoid internal current leakage, the following bits must be set to 0: DSS.DSS_CONTROL[5] DAC_POWERDN_BGZ DSS.VENC_OUTPUT_CONTROL[2:0] PRCM.CM_FCLKEN_DSS[2] EN_TV CONTROL.CONTROL_DEVCONF[18] TVOUTBYPASS

Comment 3 by Nikolaus Schaller, Oct 11, 2013
We have to verify if the LCD panel goes to deep sleep in suspend, i.e. the panel driver is correct. Otherwise the backlight may just be off but the panel will still draw some mA from the 3.3V rail. This can easily be tested by suspending a device with and one without connected display.
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Reported by Nikolaus Schaller, Jul 31, 2013