Comment 1 by Nikolaus Schaller, Oct 22, 2014
Here is an explanation: if a TWL regulator minvoltage and maxvoltage specifies voltages that the LDO does not support at all, both are ignored and the LDO remains in some default voltage. We did have: min = 2800000uV max = 3150000uV This is not possible. But the LDO did not simply take 2.8V for min and max, but remains with 1.8V Here is the fix: http://git.goldelico.com/?p=gta04-kernel.git;a=commit;h=aebcd83c9b4fd 4441758aad955fe3fe9e8ab166b
Owner: hns
Owner: hns
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Reported by Nikolaus Schaller, Sep 6, 2014