You are looking at an old revision of the page Devices-Overview. This revision was created by Nikolaus Schaller.
How to control Devices from user space (command line)
This page lists the most important devices and drivers that are specific to this board. And how they can be accessed from user space.
Touch Screen
is mapped to
pen down status can be read through
cat /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio157/value
can be selected by adding defaultdisp="lcd" to the boot args
choose from user space by ???
can be selected by adding defaultdisp="dvi" to the boot args
power (state=0: off, state=1: on)
echo $state /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio170/value
can be selected by adding defaultdisp="venc" to the boot args
power (state=0: off, state=1: on)
echo $state /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio145/value
power (state=0: off, state=1: on)
echo $state /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio156/value
device file (use 9600 baud)
cat /dev/ttyS2