Letux Kernel


Table of Content

How to configure and use GPS

device names

  • /dev/ttyO1: before there was serdev in kernel
  • /dev/ttyGPS0: serdev based driver
  • /dev/gnss0: driver based on gnss framework

Enable power

Power is controlled automatically by the kernel if you open the device. The GPS module is powered down if you close the device.

To control Antenna power you can use:

rfkill unblock gps  # enable VSIM


rfkill block gps # disable VSIM

Read device file (use 9600 baud!)

If the gps device is a tty, you need to set the baudrate, not needed in case of /dev/gnss0 stty 9600 </dev/ttyO1 (or ttyGPS0, depending on kernel )

cat gpsdevice

Internal/external antenna detection

if the external antenna is active can be determined through

cat /sys/class/switch/gps_antenna/state  # "external" or "internal"