You are looking at an old revision of the page Wireless. This revision was created by Nikolaus Schaller.
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How to configure wireless interfaces (UMTS, WLAN, Bluetooth)
is configured as SDIO card "mmc1".
Driver: marvel 8686
Enable power (shared with Bluetooth!):
echo ??? >/sys/???
Driver should be loaded after enabling power.
iwconfig wlan0
ifconfig wlan0 up
iwlist wlan0 scan
is accessed through UART1.
Enable power (shared with WLAN!):
echo ??? >/sys/???
Attach to UART1 as HCI interface
hciattach -n -s 115200 /dev/ttyS0 any 115200 flow & sleep2
hciconfig -a
hciconfig hci0 up
hciconfig hci0 name GTA04
hcitool dev
hcitool scan
is connected to the internal HS-USB. Use lsusb to identify.
Needs Option HSO-kernel driver module.